Surviving ULT-Compressor Failure - Not All Minus Eighty Freezers are the Same - Check the Specs Carefully

Surviving ULT-Compressor Failure - Not All Minus Eighty Freezers are the Same - Check the Specs Carefully

In the world of keeping samples cold, −80° Celsius sets the standard for ULTs. These devices often protect a lab’s most precious samples—a bonanza of scientific opportunities ahead. Keeping these samples safe, though, depends on robust and reliable performance of the ULT. When it comes to cooling, a ULT’s compressor does the heavy lifting. 

So, what happens if the compressor fails?

For a lab manager, the real work comes before a compressor failure, not after it. Once a compressor fails, lab members face a frantic situation - finding another ULT with room to spare and rushing the samples from one ULT to another. That’s the situation, if a lab manage didn’t think ahead when purchasing a ULT. 

At Stellar Scientific , we partner with Z-SCI to protect scientists from a ULT nightmare.

A Z-SCI ULT with Twincore technology includes two compressor systems, and either one can keep the inside temperature at −82°C. In addition, Z-SCI’s WiZ Box monitors the performance of the ULT. As Z-SCI explains, this technology can even predict a freezer’s failure, providing “unique proactive maintenance.”

When looking for a ULT with backup cooling, shop carefully, though, because PHC claims similar protection with its TwinGuard technology, but it’s not similar. 

Documentation on ULTs with TwinGuard note: “the secondary system keeps the temperature at −70°C if a service event occurs.” 

Being fair, that might be cold enough for some samples, but for samples that need −80°C to stay safe, TwinGuard won’t stop a compressor catastrophe.

With Z-SCI’s Twincore and WiZ Box, on the other hand, a lab manager can sleep easy at night and enjoy the weekends. 

At Stellar Scientific, scientists can select these features in a range of ULT sizes: 17, 21, 26 and 30 cubic feet.

With one of these ULTs, a lab not only survives the failure of a compressor, but life goes on as usual - samples sitting safely at −80°C, or even a bit cooler, if needed. 

Another ULT might provide some protection, maybe enough for some samples to survive, but some - maybe even all - could sustain damage. Why risk it? 

Instead, a lab manager can pick the product - a Z-SCI ULT with Twincore and WiZ Box technology - that ensures the safety that samples deserve. 

So, put in the hard work before a compressor failure, by making the safe and sure purchase. Give us a call or chat on our site to learn more.
