Compact Dry™ ETC Ready to Use Medium For Enterococcus Species Testing, With AOAC Certification, 100 Plates

Compact Dry™ ETC Ready to Use Medium For Enterococcus Species Testing, With AOAC Certification, 100 Plates

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Copy of CD-ETC-100
4.00 LBS
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Compact Dry ETC is used to detect and determine the bacterial count in food products and the environment to monitor the degree of cleanliness as well as sanitary safety.

Compact Dry ETC is a ready-to-use medium to determine Enterococcus species, including E. avium, E. casseliflavus, E. durans, E. faecalis, E. faecium, E. gallinarum, E. haemoperoxidus, E. hirae, E. malodoratus, E. mundtii, E. pseudoavium, and E. thailandicus by the combination of selective agents and chromogenic substrates

Traditional plate methods have been widely used to determine microbial counts, but these methods are time-consuming and require media preparation.

To save operator time and make it possible for anyone to perform the microbial count test without difficulty, Compact Dry was developed based on a new concept and technology applicable to the food industry.

Ship and store at room temperature. No need for a refrigerator!

Certification by AOAC!

Compact Dry ETC has been compared to Nordic Committee on Food Analysis (NMKL) reference method 68 and certified by the AOAC Research Institute Performance Tested Methods Program (Certificate No. 111902 ) for enumeration of Enterococcus spp. in frozen ground beef patties, raw beef, fresh cooked prawns, tuna pâté, cream, custard, lettuce, parsley, pasta salad, and egg salad sandwiches.

  • Rigid frame with aerobic headspace

  • No need for spreader

  • Stack up to 60 plates

  • Room temperature storage

  • Easily select intact colony for confirmation

  • No interpretation of gas bubbles

  • Gamma irradiated post packaging

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Click on the icon below to view a copy of the testing protocol and interpretation

Click on the icon below to view a copy of the AOAC certification