MicroGEM Nucleic Acid Prep

Column and magnetic bead free DNA and RNA prep with higher yields and reduced risk for contamination. 

MicroGEM has developed a novel chemistry that simplifies and speeds up nucleic acid sample prep without the need for toxic chemicals like SDS, proteinase K and other solvents. 

MicroGEMs simple, single-tube approach uses thermophilic and mesophilic enzymes derived from extremophiles living in the world’s harshest environments.

These specially-formulated cocktails of enzymes and buffers work at different temperatures, creating a sequence of coordinated temperature-driven reactions easily done using a thermal cycler or MicroGEM’s PDQeX Nucleic Acid Extractor.


Select one of MicroGEM's stand alone kits or choose a kit that works in tandem with the PDQex Nucleic Acid Extractor for near hands-free sample prep in record time.


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